lecture des textes et des œuvres littéraires accessibles (une dans chaque genre) roman, nouvelles, poèmes, pièces théâtrales, l'accent étant mis sur le commentaire du texte.
lecture des textes et des œuvres littéraires accessibles (une dans chaque genre) roman, nouvelles, poèmes, pièces théâtrales, l'accent étant mis sur le commentaire du texte.
This course is an introduction to documentary research (theory and practice). It aims at introducing the students to the concept of research; to define it and get to know its characteristics and components. It targets to present the research methodology and to introduce them to the concept of the research problem, its characteristics and how to formulate it. Additionally, it seeks to present the different tools and methods of a research and also to get familiar with the concept of plagiarism and to learn about the bibliography.
- Teacher: Rayhane Houari
- Teacher: Khadidja Khelladi
- Teacher: Samah Meghdir
comprehension and written expression for second year EFL students
- Teacher: amina boumediene
History of linguistics is introduced along with the start of modern linguistics and structuralism in Europe and America
- Teacher: Kheira Hadi