- Teacher: fehaima amaria
التعريف بعلم الأخلاق وأخلاقيات المهن ، التعرف على علم الأخلاق من منظور ديني, فلسفي , نفسي, اجتماعي, وقانوني والتطرق لأخلاقيات مهنة التربية والتعليم ومهنة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي على وجه الخصوص
- Teacher: baghor yamina
- Teacher: Hassiba KORICHE
- Teacher: fehaima amaria
Psychopedagogy will facilitate the processes of learning and aims to understand the complexity of factors involved in this process.
it is a module that will help you learn the ropes of the teaching profession
- Teacher: Boualem Benghalem
The module deals with various processes of linguistic analysis, phonological, morphological, and semantic analyses. In addition to contrastive linguistic analysis of English and Arabic based on the processes mentioned above
- Teacher: Kheira Hadi
This lecture is designed to give you a general overview about the different branches of linguistics, I am almost sure that there will still be some things that you do not know yet, and there may be some things that you have forgotten that you need to be reminded of. That s why, You are expected to go through this lecture guide carefully to find out what the lecture is all about since it is expected to prepare and equip you for an indispensable knowledge about the most important dichotomies of linguistics before embarking into the world of Applied Linguistics.
The last page, i.e., P.5 Includes two assignments related to the lecture. You are supposed to answer the questions in a form of a composition.
P.S. The lecture content is divided into 5 different pages; please go through and check each page in a chronological order.
- Teacher: chahrazed hamzaoui
This lecture introduces you to what is known as corpus linguistics; its definition and usefulness.
- Teacher: chahrazed hamzaoui
Master 02
- Teacher: fehaima amaria