Objectif(s) de la matière :
Entraîner les étudiants à analyser des recueils de textes de littératures de langue anglaise ; précisément de fiction en employant un jargon littéraire convenable en forme d’essai correct en forme et en langue.
Objectifs d’apprentissage :
-To recognise more features of prose.
-To enhance students’ ability to examine a text for its thematic meaning, larger symbolic meaning and cultural significance.
-Understanding literary texts in terms of language (diction, connotative language, type of discourse, level of formality, repetitions…) figurative language, style, irony, imagery and symbolism, other techniques (foreshadowing, flashback…) in addition to basic elements characterisation, setting, plot, tone and mood, point of view.
-To master more literary terms and concepts and to apply them appropriately in speaking and writing about fiction.
-To develop one’s language skills (speaking/writing) as well as vocabulary.
-To express feelings and ideas in response to literary works.
-To be familiar with some social, cultural, and historical particularities of the Anglophone areas.
- Teacher: selma belhamidi